Monday, August 18, 2014

The Top 3 Things Every Football Fan Needs to Remember This Season

After last football season's shenanigans, I have come to the conclusion that there are three things that we, the football fans, need to remember for this upcoming season.

Here they are...

1.    Football is a team sport.
       It’s not just about the quarterback or all-star running back. It’s about the entire team. They win together, they lose together. One person gets hurt, the entire team hurts. One person is acknowledged for something great, the entire team (and fan base) is behind them. I have to reiterate this… One person DOES NOT lose a game for the team (I’m looking at a few of you Bama fans). And one person DOES NOT win the game for the team. End of story.
2.    It’s okay to talk trash.
       BREAK HIS FACE!!! Do I really want someone to break Johnny Manziel’s face this season… No. Okay maybe, but seriously, some of you get all worked up over a fan of an opposing team posting a status on Facebook about how he wants his Auburn defensive line to tear up your quarterback. First of all, don’t take it to heart… at the end of the day it is just a Facebook status. Second, why don't you just laugh about it? If someone is cracking a joke about your favorite team, just find some humor in it. However,  if you can’t take comments or trash talking with a grain of salt, then maybe you should live under a rock or something.
3.    We are not all the same.
       I cannot count how many times I heard someone say or saw someone post something about all Alabama fans being the exact same. I’m sorry, I don’t remember poisoning the trees in Toomer’s Corner or karate kicking an Oklahoma fan. I (an Alabama fan) am not like “every other Alabama fan.” I believe Auburn fans are just that… Auburn fans. So if SOME of you could start using that exact word, “Some”… then I wouldn’t even have to put this as #3. Not every fan of each team is the exact same. You have your crazy fanatics. Some will never step foot in Bryant-Denny or ever be a fan of Cam Newton. But, that doesn’t mean we are all the same. Auburn, Alabama, Florida, LSU, Georgia… I don’t care! As long as you don’t attack me, I think we can be cool… maybe even friends. YES! Friends… in this crazy SEC world we live in, we can somehow look past the football and realize we’re all a bunch of looney tunes rooting for a certain team with specific colors and traditions.