Monday, August 18, 2014

The Top 3 Things Every Football Fan Needs to Remember This Season

After last football season's shenanigans, I have come to the conclusion that there are three things that we, the football fans, need to remember for this upcoming season.

Here they are...

1.    Football is a team sport.
       It’s not just about the quarterback or all-star running back. It’s about the entire team. They win together, they lose together. One person gets hurt, the entire team hurts. One person is acknowledged for something great, the entire team (and fan base) is behind them. I have to reiterate this… One person DOES NOT lose a game for the team (I’m looking at a few of you Bama fans). And one person DOES NOT win the game for the team. End of story.
2.    It’s okay to talk trash.
       BREAK HIS FACE!!! Do I really want someone to break Johnny Manziel’s face this season… No. Okay maybe, but seriously, some of you get all worked up over a fan of an opposing team posting a status on Facebook about how he wants his Auburn defensive line to tear up your quarterback. First of all, don’t take it to heart… at the end of the day it is just a Facebook status. Second, why don't you just laugh about it? If someone is cracking a joke about your favorite team, just find some humor in it. However,  if you can’t take comments or trash talking with a grain of salt, then maybe you should live under a rock or something.
3.    We are not all the same.
       I cannot count how many times I heard someone say or saw someone post something about all Alabama fans being the exact same. I’m sorry, I don’t remember poisoning the trees in Toomer’s Corner or karate kicking an Oklahoma fan. I (an Alabama fan) am not like “every other Alabama fan.” I believe Auburn fans are just that… Auburn fans. So if SOME of you could start using that exact word, “Some”… then I wouldn’t even have to put this as #3. Not every fan of each team is the exact same. You have your crazy fanatics. Some will never step foot in Bryant-Denny or ever be a fan of Cam Newton. But, that doesn’t mean we are all the same. Auburn, Alabama, Florida, LSU, Georgia… I don’t care! As long as you don’t attack me, I think we can be cool… maybe even friends. YES! Friends… in this crazy SEC world we live in, we can somehow look past the football and realize we’re all a bunch of looney tunes rooting for a certain team with specific colors and traditions.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Top 10 Reasons That Prove You're a Coach's Daughter

1. When you were a kid you were either the ball girl or water girl. Sometimes you had the privilege of being both.

2. You never got paid to do #1.

3. You are never referred to by your first name because you are "Coach _________'s daughter."

4. You got use to dad not being home on the weekends.

5. When your dad coaches an all boys team, they instantly become your brothers.

6. All of your dad's coaching friends are basically your "second dad."

7. If you don't know something about a sport, you always ask your dad, because you know your guy friends are just not as wise as the ole man.

8. It's really difficult to get a date with a guy that played for your dad...

9. When you hear your last name being yelled from across the street or room, you are almost 99% sure that the person yelling is one of his former players.

10. You tend to like your dad's favorite sports teams... even if that makes you a minority.

Monday, March 10, 2014

I've Got 99 Problems but a Bid Ain't 1

I often read "Total Frat Move" for the hilarious shenanigans that is posted daily. The latest post, however, was rather irritating to read. If you haven't read the blog, it's listed below.

I know, I know... he's probably just being sarcastic. And don't worry I'm not taking it too personal, because this guy is obviously a complete dumbass. 

If you are reading this, Mr. Caldwell, I'd like you to know a few things about me:
1. I am a GDI
2. I graduated a semester late
3. I have several best friends that are affiliated with sororities and fraternities

I'd like to explain to you a few things that you obviously don't know.  I graduated from a university of about 15,000 students. I would say maybe 600-1,000 were affiliated with a sorority or fraternity. So yes, greeks do graduate on time more often than non-greeks. However, when the ratio is what? 80:2 then yes, greeks will probably graduate on time more often than non-greeks because there are  more non-greeks at the university.

I can see this "study" being true for universities (maybe yours?) if there are more greeks than non-greeks. So I'll just give you that one...

However, I would also like to point out your terrible researching....

"They find belonging to a sorority has no significant effect on the grade point averages of women, while membership in a fraternity lowers the GPAs of men “only very slightly.”

"While the grade point averages of male Greeks are “slightly lower than their non-Greek counterparts,” the overall academic effect of Greek membership on women “appears to be positive,” the researchers write.

Did you know that the article you copied your quotes from also said all of that ^?

All I have left to say is that you may have graduated on time, but your GPA probably sucked- according to the article :).Just because someone is Greek doesn't make them smarter than people who aren't... and vice versa. Except you Mr. Caldwell... you are obviously the exception. 
You know that thing that happens to you when you're out making plans and dickin' around? Yeah, it's called LIFE. Shit happens and we can't control it. People get married, someone has a baby, someone's parent or sibling just passed away, that guy had to drop 3 major classes to pay his bills. Instead of judging people that are not like you, how about you make yourself useful, or hell... be friends with someone that you never thought you would be friends with.

In the end, if you want to "GO GREEK!" then go Greek! And if you don't, then that's cool too! Either way, as long as you're nice to me, we'll be friends.


< >

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Response to "The 17 Reasons I'm An Undateable Girl"

I thought this blog post was very creative and entertaining. I’m one of those people that reads the article or blog and then I go straight to the comments because we all know they are usually hilarious!

However, some of the comments that were posted about the author were a little hateful. Now, everyone needs to remember that her blog is exactly that… HER blog. It’s her opinion on certain topics or issues. She’s allowing anyone to post their opinions in the comment section—which is very brave of her.

However, I personally don’t think people should make excuses as to why they are “undateable.”

Here is the original post:

And here is mine...

            1.  I'd rather stay in than go out

TRUE DAT! I have to agree with the weather part because, ya see, where I live, in the middle of January, we can have a snow storm for 3 days during the week, but by the time Saturday rolls around it’s sunny and 75! However, just because a girl (or guy) goes out on any night doesn’t necessarily mean that she or he is trying to find the next bf/gf. Usually I go out to drink and hangout with people… that I like.


          2. If I do go out, I actually probably will remember the majority of it:
I may get super drunk like once a year, but I definitely don’t do it because I’m single or “undateable.” It usually means it’s Mardi Gras season.


3.   I don’t want to meet your family… or maybe I do. 
Me personally, I’ve never had an issue with meeting a guy’s parents or other family members. Just because they are strangers doesn’t mean that they are automatically judging you. If anything, you’re judging them for possibly judging you in the future.

 4. I so want you to meet my family.
At times, they are indeed embarrassing and crazy. But, at the end of the day they are a pretty cool bunch, and if I think you’re cool enough to meet them, then get ready…. (insert evil grin)

      5. I can't even commit to what I want for lunch.
This is so true for me. I work in a restaurant and sometimes I look at the menu with both hands on my head and just stare at the menu with a blank look on my face. However, for me, it’s not about the commitment aspect of a relationship, it’s more of like… I just wanna do my own damn thing. 

6. I enjoy having the entire bed to myself far too much to share it.
YEP. I sleep in the middle of my bed, unless my cats push me over. But, just because you like to sleep alone doesn't make you "undateable." In reality, you just have more room... for your laundry... or cats (whichever you prefer).

7. I actually love my cat more.
I do believe girlfriends help a lot more in certain situations than boyfriends do, but then again, do any of your girlfriends know how to change the oil in their car? Doubt it. But if they do, major props to them!

8. I have a low tolerance for BS.
I think everyone tries to have a low tolerance about petty things, however, it's called life and sometimes you're just going to have to deal with some BS. As for "understanding, patience and compromising," don't we all need this in every relationship? It shouldn't just be with the opposite sex/sexual relationship. We need to have all 3 with our friends, parents, siblings, employers, and coworkers.

9. I'd rather hang out with my guy friends.
Some of them can be a breath of fresh air, but just because you want to hangout with your guy friends doesn't make you "undateable." In all seriousness, I think most guys might like the fact that you like to hangout with just the boys and do guy things. They may find it attractive.

10. I have trust issues.
Don't we all? I think most people have trust issues after the first few (or 100) relationships that ended badly. However, I think most people will agree that you just have to get back out there and try again. If you don't, you might end up being alone the rest of your life. But again, this doesn't mean you're "undateable," because trust goes back to everyone in your life-- family, friends, coworkers, employers, etc

11. I DON'T have an unhealthy relationship with Netflix.
Maybe with my cats, but not Netflix.

12. My afterwork schedule doesn't allow for a relationship.
This can be true, but it's kind of a lame excuse. There are tons of people that are casually or seriously dating that have 9-5 jobs or night jobs where they can't see their significant other.

13. Romantic notions make me want to vomit.
True. But, only if a person is constantly posting on Facebook or Instagram, every 6 hours, about how great their relationship is.

14. Sorry... I'd rather cuddle my cat than a pint of ice cream.
Seriously. Who would cuddle ice cream? That shit is cold. Cats are soft and warm, however, I wouldn't mind cuddling with a certain someone, just as long as my cat is invited to the cuddle sesh.

15. I can clean, but I know I can't cook.
Cooking has never been my thing, but I don't think I should be considered "undateable" just because the only thing I can cook is baked chicken. HEY! I know how to work an oven! If anything, this gives a guy the chance to teach me.

16. I want a relationship for all the wrong reasons.
 I don't think it's wrong to believe that the man should pay for dinner or lunch each time you go out... that's just chivalry! However, all relationships should be about the company... not the material possessions.


17. I'm too picky.
I mean c'mon people... I'm 5'9". The guy at least needs to be 5'11". But on a serious note, the whole machine that pops out that perfect guy... yeah no. That would take out the fun in dating. Dating is meant for you to figure out what kind of person you really enjoy being around. It teaches you tons of different things-- about yourself and others. However, if the machine involves spitting out Chan, I'm all for it ;)