Monday, March 10, 2014

I've Got 99 Problems but a Bid Ain't 1

I often read "Total Frat Move" for the hilarious shenanigans that is posted daily. The latest post, however, was rather irritating to read. If you haven't read the blog, it's listed below.

I know, I know... he's probably just being sarcastic. And don't worry I'm not taking it too personal, because this guy is obviously a complete dumbass. 

If you are reading this, Mr. Caldwell, I'd like you to know a few things about me:
1. I am a GDI
2. I graduated a semester late
3. I have several best friends that are affiliated with sororities and fraternities

I'd like to explain to you a few things that you obviously don't know.  I graduated from a university of about 15,000 students. I would say maybe 600-1,000 were affiliated with a sorority or fraternity. So yes, greeks do graduate on time more often than non-greeks. However, when the ratio is what? 80:2 then yes, greeks will probably graduate on time more often than non-greeks because there are  more non-greeks at the university.

I can see this "study" being true for universities (maybe yours?) if there are more greeks than non-greeks. So I'll just give you that one...

However, I would also like to point out your terrible researching....

"They find belonging to a sorority has no significant effect on the grade point averages of women, while membership in a fraternity lowers the GPAs of men “only very slightly.”

"While the grade point averages of male Greeks are “slightly lower than their non-Greek counterparts,” the overall academic effect of Greek membership on women “appears to be positive,” the researchers write.

Did you know that the article you copied your quotes from also said all of that ^?

All I have left to say is that you may have graduated on time, but your GPA probably sucked- according to the article :).Just because someone is Greek doesn't make them smarter than people who aren't... and vice versa. Except you Mr. Caldwell... you are obviously the exception. 
You know that thing that happens to you when you're out making plans and dickin' around? Yeah, it's called LIFE. Shit happens and we can't control it. People get married, someone has a baby, someone's parent or sibling just passed away, that guy had to drop 3 major classes to pay his bills. Instead of judging people that are not like you, how about you make yourself useful, or hell... be friends with someone that you never thought you would be friends with.

In the end, if you want to "GO GREEK!" then go Greek! And if you don't, then that's cool too! Either way, as long as you're nice to me, we'll be friends.


< >

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