Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Top 10 Reasons That Prove You're a Coach's Daughter

1. When you were a kid you were either the ball girl or water girl. Sometimes you had the privilege of being both.

2. You never got paid to do #1.

3. You are never referred to by your first name because you are "Coach _________'s daughter."

4. You got use to dad not being home on the weekends.

5. When your dad coaches an all boys team, they instantly become your brothers.

6. All of your dad's coaching friends are basically your "second dad."

7. If you don't know something about a sport, you always ask your dad, because you know your guy friends are just not as wise as the ole man.

8. It's really difficult to get a date with a guy that played for your dad...

9. When you hear your last name being yelled from across the street or room, you are almost 99% sure that the person yelling is one of his former players.

10. You tend to like your dad's favorite sports teams... even if that makes you a minority.

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