Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm Sorry But You're An Alumni... You're Going To Have To Pay A Fee For That

I’ve been playing basketball since I was 7. I dribbled my first basketball when I was 3. That was always “my” sport. It was truly my first love and it continues to be a part of my life even after high school. I never played in college but I did join an intramural team each year while at the University of South Alabama.

To make a long story short, I graduated in December and a few weeks ago my friend asked if I wanted to join his co-rec basketball team… ummm.. yeah! DUH! However, during one of our games I was approached by a student who works at the rec center and she asked if I was an alumni. I told her yes and she said that the alumni fee was $25…

I’m pretty sure everyone’s jaw dropped when they heard her say that.

She then proceeded to say that if I couldn’t pay that night then I could pay $35 the next week. I’m sorry… but is this some sort of business yall are running here? This is INTRAMURALS.
Listen, I understand that $25 is not that much money and yes I can afford it. My question is simple… Why?
Why do I have to pay $25 just because the word “alumni” is placed after my name? Why do I have to pay $25 after my parents just spent $30,000 on tuition  alone?

The university has been throwing up new buildings left and right and they are thinking about putting an awesome football stadium right next to campus. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an AWESOME idea! I can’t wait for it to happen. But, obviously the university isn’t that broke that they can’t “afford” to let alumni use the rec center.

My whole point about this nonsense is that 2 months ago I would have been able to swipe my card and play basketball whenever I wanted. Now, I have to pay a $25 fee because I’m no longer listed as a “student.” People! I just want to play a sport that I have always loved and not have to pay to do it!

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