Monday, January 27, 2014

15 Things That Happen When You Date a Girl Who Loves Her Cat

1. She's really good at budgeting her money... for lint rollers.

2. She has gotten used to sleeping with something on her chest... her cat.

3. She has learned to not move her feet under the covers... AHHHH THE TOES ARE UNDER A CLAW ATTACK!

4. She begins and finishes almost every conversation she has with her friends with "meow."

5. 90% of her Instagram photos are of her cats.

6. 93% of her Snapchats are of her cats.

7. Talks to her cat like it's an actual baby... this shows that she will be a great mom one day.

8. Her cat is her actual baby.

9. She has lower blood pressure and is less stressed when her cat purrs... which is obviously beneficial for you.

10. You don't have to worry about her being cold during the winter without you sleeping next her... her cuddling feline keeps her perfectly warm throughout those cold nights.

11. It has been proven that cats are more independent... and their owners take after them.

12. Also, she is more creative thanks to her purring companion.

13. Cat people tend to be more trustworthy... which again, is beneficial for you.

14. She is more likely to enjoy puns.

15. And just when you thought your girlfriend was a crazy cat lady, always remember that she is one of those creative people that brings the best memes to the internet.


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