Thursday, January 16, 2014

You Want a Picture of What...?

Another life lesson from yours truly...

Don't send provocative pictures to anyone.

No, no, no, no I have never sent a naked picture or anything like that to anyone but I was reminded this past weekend to never do it (not saying that I have been thinking about sending one.. haha).

So, to make a long story short, I was approached by a boy (I'm not sure I can call him a man) and he was flirting with me and I was just like, "Ehh... what's up." I was not very interested and I have not become interested ever since. We talked for a while and then I talked to some other people. He eventually got my number... yeah yeah I'm supposed to say "Oh sorry I have a boyfriend" or "I'm a lesbian." But, to be honest, I'm not very good at lying and I just wanted to go home and at the time I guess I felt like I should just give him my number and bolt. 

When I got home I fell asleep and woke up to two missed calls at 4:30 that morning. WTF.

First of all... really dude? Really? You literally just saw me 2 and half hours ago.

He ended up texting me later in the day asking what I was doing. We had a very short conversation but at the end of the conversation this is what he said.... "Sounds good send me a pic :)"

Yes.. he sent a smiley face........

Don't worry don't worry... I never responded. 

This brings me to the main idea of this post. I know that there are tons of young girls, and some older women, that choose to send pictures to guys that they may know or may not know. I would like to give the benefit of the doubt to this guy by saying that maybe, just maybe, he didn't mean THAT kind of picture. Maybe he just meant a picture of my face so he could show his friends a picture of that hot blonde he met the night before ;).. However, he is a boy so that's doubtful. And in all honesty, during these times, the norm is to just add someone on Facebook. He could have easily asked for my last name and found me on Facebook. That's what normal, non-creepy people do. This guy didn't even take a full 24 hours to ask me for a picture. I seriously believe it was like 11 hours after I had officially met him. But, I could be wrong... 

The whole point of this to tell my girls out there that some guys are just scumbags. I don't care if you're 13, 25 or 42, you deserve better than some douchebag asking for a naked picture. We, as women, should all realize that we are not just some thing for men to look at or to undress with their eyes. We are indeed human beings with hearts and souls... even though sometimes my heart comes off as a cold heart. 

And this is especially to younger girls... That boy that wants that picture is only going to give you a few minutes of attention and then he's going to move on to the next girl that will send him a picture. He doesn't want you and he doesn't want to love you... he just wants to look at you, and possibly embarrass the crap out of you. Hello.. it's called screenshot. That boy could send your picture EVERYWHERE. And I mean EVERYWHERE.

"Once it's on the internet, it's there forever..." Ever heard of that? Well, it's true.  

The guy has yet to text me anymore or to friend me on Facebook. This brings me to my ultimate conclusion that yes, he did want a naked picture... instead he got a picture of a dog's butt.


But in all seriousness, please... don't ruin your life so some boy will give you a few minutes of attention.

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