Friday, January 10, 2014

Honesty Is Indeed The Best Policy

Welcome to my very first blog, story, opinion, or whatever you would call this! 

By working in a restaurant there is one thing that I have noticed and that is honesty is indeed the best policy. As much as I would like to say that I tell the truth all the time... HA. Well, I would be lying. The reason I made this blog is for ME to tell YOU my opinions on certain topics (some serious, some not-so-serious) and to tell you things that happen in my life that may help you.

This post is to hopefully help you :)

Honesty is the best policy. I have truly learned this by working in a restaurant. 

Story #1:

One day/night I had a section in the back of the restaurant that I work at. I had a very nice and chill couple sit in my section. They mainly ordered beers but also ordered a few appetizers. A few hours passed and the man asked for the check. Their total was around $80. I brought them their check and he placed a $100 bill and two 20's and said "keep the change."
MERCI!!!!!! (That's French for 'thank you')

That was over a 60% tip! Very kind of him!

When I went to cash their check out, I happened to swipe my fingers together to check the bills and make sure they weren't counterfeit, and realized that the customer had given me 2 one hundred dollar bills. I thought about it for a second and thought, "Nah, he didn't just give me a 150% tip..." So I went back and handed him the $100 bill he had accidently given and his girlfriend was so thankful that I was honest. I said, "It's really not a problem." The man ended up going to the bar to get change for that same $100 bill. He handed me an additional $40.. for being honest. I told him it was perfectly okay and that he didn't need to give me that money. However, he insisted.

Once again.. Merci!!

Story #2:

A few nights ago I had 2 girls sit in my section. They ordered. Ate. Drank. Asked for the check. I cashed them out. They left. One girl left her jacket and as a group of people walked in to sit at the same table where the jacket was, I picked it up and put it under one of the server stations. I actually know the girl so I was planning on messaging her on facebook and letting her know I had her jacket. Well, she ended up coming back in the same night hoping no one had taken her jacket. I gave it to her and she gave me money.. just for holding onto it. I tried telling her she didn't need to give me money for picking up her jacket because my coworkers and I always keep the jackets at the restaurant hoping the customer will come back and get it. Again, she insisted because it was a really nice jacket.

Trust me, I'm not trying to make myself out to be "better than you" or a "saint." I guess the point of this post is to say that good karma does come around when it should. Not necessarily in monetary value, but it does come around. 

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